As there is a change in the schedule of the various schools by seeing that Union Minister of Education Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ said that the JEE – Main Examination will be held four times starting February 2021. Earlier the exam used to be conducted twice a year. From February to May the exam will be conducted once each month. The results would also be declared after a few days so that candidates can apply for the coming month. This decision has been taken place due to the Covid19 situation and this will make sure that each and every student gets the chance to give the exam according to their convenience.

Many of the aspirants are happy with the decision as it would give more opportunities to the students. As everything has its own pros and cons even this decision has some. Some of them feel that this would give more stress to the students as it will give them more chances to appear in the exam. Also, there are chances that the quality of the question paper will degrade. For four times in a year, there are chances that the question quality would be affected. The number of times a candidate can give an exam should be set as there should be limited chances given to the candidate. 

This decision could only be implemented when conducted by the NTA in a hassle-free manner as this could be a tedious task for them. Though NTA has conducted exams successfully in the past years this could be different. So, the responsibility of the NTA widens. The conduction of the exam requires to be monitored regularly as the responsibility has increased. Also, the exam will be conducted in 12 languages and this could help students all around to give equal opportunity.

This is for sure that the exam will be conducted and for students, it is important to go on with their preparations accordingly. The preparation must not stop because this will help students to keep on track with their syllabus. As time is very little for the preparation the students can join the crash courses from the various online JEE coaching programs. The learning should not be stopped whatever comes ahead. Whatever the decision comes students need to prepare their best in order to get into their dream college.